
How to use the 7 segment on the Goboard ?

Welcome to a three-part exploration in our latest FPGA blog post. First, we navigate the intricacies of a seven-segment display design, ensuring every segment lights up as intended. Next, we transition to leveraging the GoBoard, a tool that bridges our concepts with concrete results. Finally, we converge these elements to reveal and understand a deceptive bug—a misbehaving pulse leading to a misleading display. Step by step, we dissect the design, adapt our tools, and debug the system, making complex FPGA concepts accessible and applicable.
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Chisel Exercice #1 : ShiftRegister as LEDs Garland

Dive into FPGA design with this concise Chisel tutorial. Learn practical skills through my step-by-step guide on button debouncing, signal stability, rising edge detectors, and toggle flip-flops, all tied together with a real-world project involving shift registers and LEDs. Ideal for beginners in FPGA.
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Rule 110 in Chisel

Learn how to implement the Rule 110 in chisel. A beginner friendly project.
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Rule 90 in chisel

Learn how to implement Rule 90, a one-dimensional cellular automaton, using Chisel. This project is a great introduction to hardware description languages and demonstrates how to create a bundle, module, and pulse generator in Chisel. The article also provides a clear explanation of Rule 90’s logic and includes sample code for a working implementation.
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My First Project using Chisel

I have always felt uneasy writing VHDL or Verilog code due to their verbose and boilerplate nature. My discomfort has prevented me from training and mastering them, so I cannot confirm whether these languages are truly bad. Consequently, I was thrilled to learn about other open-source HDL options. Today, I am delighted to write my first project in Chisel. I enjoyed it. This article won’t be an in deeps comparison of Chisel vs VHDL/Verilog or Chisel “getting started”, since I don’t fully master them, but rather sharing my noob experience and sharing the little joy I found using this language.
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Turning on a LED with a button – Part 2

Last time, we saw how to start with our dev board, we analyzed the feasibility of the project and get our hand around IceStudio. We succeed in turning on the LED, only when the button is pressed. When we release the button, the LED turn off. Now it is time to design something more advanced and ask ourselves this question :
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Turning on a LED with a button – Part 1

Today we are going to see a very simple project : turning on a LED by pressing a button. It is an easy exercise that will make you discover your board and a part of the FPGA workflow. This article is meant for the very beginner who just received an FPGA dev board and want to run something else than a code example.
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