
From Gaming to Verification : A Beginner’s Guide to UVM

Discover UVM (Universal Verification Methodology) through intuitive gaming analogies. This guide breaks down UVM essentials, making complex concepts approachable. Ideal for quick understanding without the fluff.
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How to use the 7 segment on the Goboard ?

Welcome to a three-part exploration in our latest FPGA blog post. First, we navigate the intricacies of a seven-segment display design, ensuring every segment lights up as intended. Next, we transition to leveraging the GoBoard, a tool that bridges our concepts with concrete results. Finally, we converge these elements to reveal and understand a deceptive bug—a misbehaving pulse leading to a misleading display. Step by step, we dissect the design, adapt our tools, and debug the system, making complex FPGA concepts accessible and applicable.
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Trying Formal Verification with SymbiYosys and Chisel

Discover the practical applications of formal verification in hardware design. In this post, we’ll explore how tools like SymbiYosys can make the verification process accessible and effective. Learn from real-world examples, and understand the value of integrating formal verification into your design workflow.
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Blog’s White Paper

My name is Théophile Loubiere. I am a French junior FPGA engineer with “3” years of experience. The three is under quotes because I kind of have an impostor syndrome. I don’t feel legitimate to pretend I am a three-year experience FPGA engineer. I quit my job because I did not learn fast enough, in my opinion, and that the projects I was working on, were a big part of today’s society’s problems (Defense = war; aviation, cars, telecom = pollution). And this blog is my answer to both problems.
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